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The centre is open Monday to Friday 7.30am-5.30pm.


From 3 months to 5 years.


We offer 20 ECE Hours for all 3 & 4 year olds enrolled at our Centre. We provide a quality service and maintain high staff-to-child ratios. In order to maintain these standards parents incur an additional charge which also covers the cost of services provided by the Centre which are over and above the minimum service standards required by government regulations.


We provide the children with a nutritious diet which is prepared by our experienced cook; this includes morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and a late snack. The meals provided adhere to the nutritional requirements of infants and young children.


Parents need to provide nappies, a change of clothes, appropriate seasonal clothing (e.g. sun-hat, warm hats, togs and towel, gumboots and sweatshirts).


Our vision is to provide high quality care and education, in a friendly, accepting and supportive education environment where all children, whanau and staff are valued and respected.


We aspire for tamariki to be - happy, confident, kind, respectful explorers.

Our Vision
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The centre prides itself on creating a home away from home for the tamariki of the centre. This feeling of warmth, and the family atmosphere is further enhanced by an open door policy where all family and whānau have a place and are respected for who they are,  and their contribution is valued. The centre's small size enables tamariki, kaiako, parents, staff and whānau to build and strengthen positive relationships. All the staff make it a personal and group responsibility to ensure each child's wellbeing by advocating for and supporting their learning and development.


We believe in creating a happy, safe and healthy environment for all our children, their families and whanau, and our staff.


Through respect, recognition and positive reinforcement, we will nurture the self esteem of all children.


We work in partnership with our parents and strive to build positive and effective relationships, acknowledging that parents are the most important teachers in their children’s journey.


Our centre whānau provide care with responsive and consistent relationships. These are based on aroha, and are supported by the tuakana/teina bonds that our mixed-age group provide.


We provide a collaborative learning environment and strive to extend children’s thinking and action through sensitive communication, positive guidance and support.


We value and respect the bicultural heritage of Aotearoa New Zealand and we celebrate the cultural diversity of all our children and staff.

Our Philosophy

our curriculum


In the Under Two area we cater for babies from 3 months to 2 years. We have a roll of 9 babies and have three staff working with this age group. Our babies have the opportunity to be active explorers of their environment and are provided with a wide variety of tactile and sensory play experiences in keeping with their developmental needs.


In the Over Two area, the children are engaged in many indoor and outdoor activities which include creative and dramatic play, music and movement, arts and crafts, play dough, water-play, messy play and sand play. We have a well equipped outdoor area where children get involved in gross motor development activities.


The teachers have been using group time to offer tamariki experiences in literacy, numeracy and to foster respect, responsibility and co-operation. Through these experiences the teachers support children to develop social competencies linking Te Whaariki’s (ECE Curriculum) strands with the New Zealand Curriculum’s (Primary School) key competencies.

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Our Curriculum
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Avondale College Early Childhood Education Centre

61a Victor Street  |  Avondale   | Auckland 

Ph. +9 828 6750


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© 2022 by Avondale College

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